Unsolicited Life Advice:
From Your Mystical Stoner Mama Friend!

Embracing Renewal & Growth
in the Springtime Breeze🌦

Marzo | March 2024🌱

As we step into the vibrant month of March, we are greeted with the gentle caress of spring, a time of rejuvenation and renewal. The energy of this season infuses us with a sense of new beginnings, and growth, both in nature and within ourselves.

This month we experience the transition from the dreamy and compassionate Pisces season to the fiery and dynamic energy of Aries. The influence of Pisces (Feb 18- Mar 20) encourages us to tap into our intuition, compassion, and creativity, setting the stage for introspection and emotional healing. As we move into Aries season (Mar 21- Apr 19), we are inspired to embrace our boldness, passion, and sense of adventure, propelling us forward with newfound zeal and determination.

This shift in astrological energies mirrors the changes we see in nature during this time of year. Just as the world around us awakens from its winter slumber, we too have the opportunity to shed old habits, beliefs, and patterns that no longer serve us. It's a time to plant the seeds of new intentions, dreams, and goals, nurturing them with care and watching as they bloom and flourish🌸

As we embrace the spirit of growth and renewal, let us take the time to reflect on our own journey of self-discovery and transformation. Like the blossoming flowers and budding trees, we have the power to shed our old selves and grow into versions that are more aligned with our true essence.

As we transition from Pisces to Aries season this March, here's some advice on how to embrace the unique energies of both signs:

**Pisces (February 19 - March 20)**:

   - **Embrace Intuition**: Tap into your intuition and creativity.
Spend time reflecting, meditating, and exploring your spiritual side.

   - **Practice Compassion**: Channel Piscean empathy by showing kindness to others and practicing self-care.

   - **Embrace Fluidity**: Be open to change and go with the flow.
Allow yourself to adapt to new situations with grace.

**Aries (March 21 - April 19)**:

   - **Take Initiative**: Harness Aries' boldness and courage to pursue your goals with passion and determination.

   - **Embrace Independence**: Focus on your individuality and take charge of your own path. Trust your instincts and make decisions confidently!

   - **Stay Active**: Energize your body and mind by engaging in physical activities that invigorate you. Embrace challenges and push yourself to new heights.

To incorporate the energies of both signs this March, try to balance Pisces' introspective and intuitive qualities with Aries' assertiveness and initiative. Find moments for reflection and creativity while taking bold steps towards your goals. Remember, these energies complement each other, offering a unique blend of sensitivity and strength.


To end off as usual, let’s take a couple of deep breaths in between each loving affirmation we read & let’s put our hands over our hearts:

🌸 I am strong, brave and LIMITLESS.
An independent & courageous badass.

🌊 I surrender to the flow of life right now :)

🌱 I open myself to my intuition and trust it. I embrace my emotions & the things they will reveal.

One more deep breath in, hold it for 4 seconds and let it all out. Intentions set, affirmations affirmed! As always sending positive vibras

Keep following my mystical stoner mama adventures on Insta!📸

Con mucho, mucho amor,
